Our prints are available to buy unmatted, printed on high quality cotton paper, mounted and matted in the archival style, or matted and framed in a variety of solid wood frame options. All orders are framed and packed for delivery in the office under the supervision of Sophia the cat and Victor the tortoise.

Ninska Designs is a project inspired by our sister shop @ninskaprints which sells original antique maps and prints. Here at Ninskadesigns we make reproductions of some of the best prints we come across and redesign them to bring colour to the originals and accentuate the most interesting motifs, creating unique wall art prints. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoyed creating them.

Explore our collections


Lunar Eclipse in Winter and a Shower of Shooting Stars These beautiful... 

Framing a Toucan

  • The Midnight Sky

    Star Map over Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope print, edited from the original antique print from 'The Midnight Sky' by Edwin Dunkin published c.1869.Our aim at Ninskadesigns is to create reproductions of the best antique prints from @ninskaprints enhancing the originals and bringing new life to some fascinating antiques. This map of the stars shows the sky when Looking South on the 15th of February.

  • Albertus Seba

    From his "Cabinet of Curiosities"...Albertus Seba was a Dutch pharmacist in the 18th century who grew his collection of rare specimens from crew members of arriving ships bringing new species from distant lands.Seba ammassed an admiral collection which engaged the attention of taxonomis Carl Linnaeus who designated a biological classification level to 'paradoxa' for species whose indentity was suspected but not confirmed. These included the hydra, phoenix, rhinoceros and pelican.

    View our reproductions of some of the prints from Seba's impressive 4 volume thesaurus c.1743

  • African Wildlife

    African wildlife congregated at the water and a trio of toucans perched on a tree.These prints are reproductions of the original antique lithographs from our sister shop @ninskaprints

    The african wildlife print is orginally from a German encyclopaedia from 1900 and the toucans from an encyclopaedia published in 1852.
